Primary Resources

Lupa Advisors has gathered a suite of resources to help defense contractors explore and pursue consistent CMMC compliance, no matter how the rules change.

Find the Resources You Need to Pursue CMMC 2.0 Compliance

Caring for customers’ data and meeting the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) 2.0 compliance requirements is an essential and significant undertaking. The sheer scope of CMMC can be challenging to decipher, but comprehending and ensuring compliance is possible with the right resources.

To help contractors understand their obligations under CMMC 2.0, Lupa Advisors has curated a comprehensive resource library that contains up-to-date information on CMMC’s security requirements. We have listed the most authoritative sources and resources we refer to in our processes. This is an active list for continued CMMC compliance. If you need more assistance, we have the industry expertise to guide contractors through acquiring and maintaining compliance.

We’re Your Guides Through the Defense Landscape

Lupa Advisors offers expertise and guidance on navigating CMMC 2.0 compliance for any business looking for more in-depth assistance in meeting their obligations under the framework. Our certified CMMC consultants can assist you with everything from audit preparation to control advice. We have successfully built and developed highly complex defense contracting organizations; we know exactly what you’re going through and can deliver the solutions you need to succeed in the industry.

Our professionals provide knowledgeable support throughout the process, from initial planning and onboarding to ongoing maintenance, so you can always be up-to-date on all regulatory changes.

Lupa Advisors Protects the Protectors

Our security compliance consultation services help you acquire the controls you need to secure defense contracts now and in the future. Your peace of mind is our focus. We handle compliance requirements so you can focus on your core competencies.